Dandenong police station justice of peace opening hours. The reception counter is temporarily closed.
Dandenong police station justice of peace opening hours Back Find my local police Phone: (03) 9361 4700 Fax: (03) 9244 2592 Email: CAROLINESPRINGS-UNI-OIC@police. If a JP identifies a need to open a new DSS location, please contact HJSS at JP@justice. Contact details Address: 785 High St, Epping VIC 3076 . A Document Signing Station is located in a public space such as a police station, library or council office. au to check if they are available before Justice of the Peace services have recommenced at Dandenong Library and the Springvale Community Hub. Department of Justice and Community Safety - Dandenong Regional Office 46-50 Walker Street, Dandenong VIC 3175. Visit a local police station. Share this page. Crime Investigation Unit (CIU) Family Violence Liaison Officer (FVLO) Justice Forest Hill Police Station. THIS year will be a big one for Justices of the Peace at a police station in Melbourne’s southeast Keilor Downs Police Station. Phone hours. About Us Type. This is a drop-in service during the available times and bookings are not required. Reception counter open daily, 7:00am to 11:00pm. Boroondara Police Station. justice. au Station code: SCS Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. Meetings start at 7:30pm and usually run for an hour to an hour and a half. Specialty services or facilities. Crime Investigation Unit Back Find my local police station. A Justice of the Peace is authorised to witness Statutory Declarations and Affidavits. Get directions Phone: (03) 8851 1111 Fax: (03) 9244 2626 Email: BOROONDARA. au Station code: SSV Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. Justice of the Peace Precinct 5. To avoid inconvenience, Starting a new DSS. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICES. au Station code: NEP Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. Services: Volunteer Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Declarations Dandenong Police Station (24 Hrs) More Locations. Find a Justice of the Peace The department acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dandenong Police Station 50 Langhorne Street Dandenong 3175 Tel (03) 9767 7444 www. Mr Richardson will be available to assist the community with any JP services at the Coomera Police Station from 8. Reception counter open daily, 6:00am to 10:00pm. Please call ahead to confirm availability. Learn about the Justice of the Peace Precinct 3. Emergencies. au with information on where and when the new DSS could be open and why you believe this will benefit the community. Get directions Phone: (03) 9409 8100 Fax: (03) 9244 2239 Email: EPPING. Interpreting the law, resolving disputes and imposing penalties on those who have Back Find my local police station. Accessibility The Department of Justice and Community Safety is now recruiting new honorary justice volunteers across Hobson’s Bay, Dandenong, Melton and Wyndham. Find ⏰ opening hours for Croydon Police Station in 175 Mt Dandenong Rd, Croydon, VIC, 3136 and check other details as well, such as: ☎️ phone number, map, website. Due to the popularity of these facilities, JPs at document signing stations may not be able to assist should you have a Feb 1, 2021 · Justice of the Peace (JP) services will be available from 10am-1pm and 4pm-7pm Monday to Friday at 5 Hillcrest Grove, Springvale. au Station code: EFH Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. Click through for driving directions on Whereis®. Justices of the Peace at the Dandenong Library cannot From Monday 30 September, the Justice of the Peace services at Dandenong Police Station will be relocated to Dandenong Library. 3 MB] South. Get directions Phone: (03) 9767 7444 Fax: (03) 9244 2232 Email: DANDENONG. For Justice of the Peace session times please Find a Justice of the Peace (JP) or Commissioner for Declarations (Cdec) in your local area. Free legal information and advice can be received from the Legal Services Commission legal help line on 1300 366 424 (Monday to Service location information for the Justice Service Centre office in Melton, Victoria. Contact details Address: 100 Watson St, Wallan VIC 3756 . Note, this station Phone: (07) 3412 3412. Login/Join Justices of the Peace at Auckland Council Libraries Ngā Mana Whakaaio ki Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau Browse by area to find a link to Justice of the Peace details or browse the map for one near you. Get directions Phone: (03) 9888 3755 Fax: (03) 9244 2279 Email: MOUNTWAVERLEY. Werribee Police Station; Werribee VIC 3030 . They provide a free service to all members of the community and act as an independent witness to documents that are used for official or legal purposes. Get directions Phone: (03) 5775 2555 Fax: (03) 9244 2265 Email: MANSFIELD. 8:45 - 16:30. Quick Justice of the Peace. au. . Find a Justice of the Peace; Make a statutory declaration; Make an affidavit; Find out about powers of attorney Opening hours. au Station code: SCN Opening hours: 24 Hours. Reception counter open daily, 10:00am to 6:00pm. Open 0-24. Our mission is to keep you safe. Dandenong Police Station. Victoria Police works to reduce the incidence and impact of crime, and protect our community through initiatives, programs, and partnerships. Note, this station provides 24 hour police Post Code: 3018 DX: 214022 Victoria Police Emergency Numbers. Police have conducted a two-day operation in the heart of Dandenong, targeting anti-social behaviour, such as drug crimes and theft offences. The JP Services are available: Mondays (10am to 2pm, and 6pm to 8pm), Wednesdays (10am to 2pm, and 5pm to 7pm), Thursdays (10am to 2pm, and 6pm to 8pm Royal Victorian Association of Honorary Justices Document Signing Stations Document Signing Stations are places where a Justice of the Peace is in attendance at predetermined times. 45am; Justices of the Peace are volunteers and may not always be available. opens in new tab or window . Accessibility. Access Keys provide visitors with increased confidence to attend new experiences by providing customised accessibility guides that empower individuals with improved information, promoting awareness and inclusiveness whilst supporting equality. There are two ways to access the services of a JP, you can: contact an individual JP located in your local area; attend a Document Signing Station (DSS). au Station code: EMW Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. au Springvale Police Station Back Find my local police station. 106 Dandenong Rd, Jamboree Heights, 4074. Get directions Phone: (03) 5783 0400 Fax: (03) 9244 2309 Email: WALLAN. Monday to Friday (phone only) 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. com. The reception counter is temporarily closed. Contact details Address: 34 Harp Rd, Kew VIC 3101 . 9am-5pm Mon-Friday. 1300 352 000. Justice of the Peace Precinct 2. Contact details Address: 8 Anderson St, Leongatha VIC 3953 . JPs offer their time voluntarily. Aldinga Library- 11 Central Way, Aldinga Beach. 15am to 11. vic. Farm Crime Liaison Officer Chelsea Police Station. 00am each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Contact details Address: 314 Springvale Rd, Springvale VIC 3171 . au Station code: ELH Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. au Station code: EKX Opening hours: 24 Hours. Contact details Address: 285-289 Hawthorn Rd, Caulfield VIC 3163 . Births, Deaths and Marriages services a collective group consisting of Justices of the Peace (JPs), and bail justices. Opening Hours. Justice of the Peace (JP) Did you know our local JP team help us out at Dandenong Police Station? If you have documents that need to be signed or witnessed, or copies that need to be certified, the Search for a police station. Safer communities. Get directions Phone: (03) 9392 3111 Fax: (03) 9606 8364 Email: ALTONA-UNI-OIC@police. Get directions Phone: (03) 9313 3333 Fax: (03) 9244 2305 Email: SUNSHINE. Page Contents. Laws and regulation. Phone number: (07) 3712 5222. 10. VIC NSW OTHER CONTACTS 1800 333 000 Victoria Police was established in 1853 and provides policing services to the Victorian community 24 hours a day, seven days a week, working to keep over 5. 29 Falconer Rd, Park Orchards, VIC, 3114. 2023. General opening hours ; Day Morning Afternoon; Monday: Closed : Closed : Tuesday: 9:30am-12:00pm : 12:00pm-12:30pm : Wednesday: Closed : department or staff member? Feedback on government services, departments and staff. Get directions Phone: (03) 8841 3999 Fax: (03) 9244 2234 Email: DONCASTER. Dandenong Police advised that they felt it no longer appropriate for Justices of the Peace to work out of the Police Station. 6 Fleet St, Laverton North, VIC, 3026. GC136 - South Gippsland Highway, Dandenong South Level Crossing Removal Project; Expand menu Collapse menu Endeavour Hills. Justice of the Peace Precinct 3. JP volunteers will be at Dandenong Library, 225 Lonsdale Street on Monday-Thursday 10am-3pm, Tuesday-Thursday 6pm-8pm and Friday 10am-12. Justice Prisoner Transport . Accessible parking Back Find my local police station. Get directions Phone: (03) 9724 0100 Fax: (03) 9244 2231 Email: CROYDON. au Station code: EBB Opening hours: 24 Hours. findajp. The Dandenong branch of the Royal Victorian · It should also be noted that unforeseen circumstances may cause a change in operating hours without notice, particularly around holiday periods. Get directions Phone: (03) 9524 9500 Fax: (03) 9244 2219 Email: CAULFIELD. Police officers at local police stations are authorised to witness affidavits and statutory declarations. For more information phone 1800 630 820 or visit www. Farm Crime Liaison Officer Centre Management is open 7 days a week during the General Trading Hours (07) 4122 7400 (07) 4122 7400 Back Find my local police station. This after hours service is limited to the family law jurisdiction in circumstances where: Justice Epping Police Station. Get directions Phone: (03) 9566 1555 Fax: (03) 9244 2246 Email: GLENWAVERLEY. Facebook X (formerly Cranbourne Police Station. Meetings are held in the meeting room, level one, Dandenong Police Station, 41 Langhorne Street, Dandenong. Contact details Address: 168 Sladen St, Cranbourne VIC 3977 . Connect with Department of Justice and Community Safety at Walker Street, Dandenong, VIC. For more information on JP services, please visit www. Justice of the Peace (JP), Mr John Richardson was welcomed as a new addition to the Coomera Police Station. Contact details Address: 414 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna South VIC 3152 . Contact details Address: 497 Ballarat Rd, Sunshine VIC 3020 . au Station code: SCF Opening hours: 24 Hours. List of Justices of the Peace at Auckland Libraries, where they are located and links to opening hours. Located near Target, between Stranbags and Salt&Pepper, this is a free service provided by the Centre. 30am till 11. Crime prevention campaigns, initiatives, programs and grants Due to the pandemic, the JPs had been forced out of their long-term lodging at Springvale police station, co-ordinator Joseph de Souza said. Justice Service Centres do not have a Justice of the Peace on staff. Justice of the Peace Precinct 4. Address: See information desk, 18-22 Honora Street JIMBOOMBA, Qld, 4280. au Box Hill Police Station. Contact details Address: 1 Kangerong Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128 . 30pm. Get directions Phone: (03) 9742 9444 Fax: (03) 9244 2314 Email: WERRIBEE. Centres are located in various courthouses, libraries, and other public Safer communities. The Justice of the Peace are available Monday to Friday 10:00am-2:00pm, with extended hours until 6pm on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Contact details Address: 338 Stephensons Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149 . au Station code: ECD Opening hours: 24 Hours. FRV Fire Station 84 . Crime Location Date and Time Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre 80 Rickard Road, Bankstown Phone: 9707 9708: Tuesdays 10am-noon . Springvale Library is part of the Springvale Community Hub at 5 Hillcrest Grove, Springvale. 9am-5pm Monday-Friday For availability of Births, Deaths and Marriages services, please phone the Justice Service centre. Read the Justice of the Peace best practice manual [PDF, 1. au Station code: EMS Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. Police, Fire, Ambulance in an emergency: Triple Z ero Police Assistance Line for non-urgent police assistance: 131 444 Crime Stoppers report crime anonymously: 1800 333 000 Victoria Police Regions Anyone with information on his whereabouts is urged to contact Dandenong Police Station (03) 9767 7444. 8:30 - 17:00. You are kindly informed that the amount of Rs. Direction, map, opening hours, contact Police Station. Campsie Library and Knowledge Centre 14-28 Amy Street, Campsie Phone: (07) 3897 7222. Contact details Address: 171-175 Mt Dandenong Rd, Croydon VIC 3136 . Contact details Address: 1 Galvin St, Altona VIC 3018 . Address: 106 Dandenong Rd, Jamboree Heights, 4074 Hours: Mon to Fri 8am-4pm. gov. Use the lockers to pick up holds and return items. Phone: 1300 101 422 Find a Justice of the Peace; pause Coronavirus COVID-19 information Justice system Justices of the Peace are in regular attendance at some of our libraries. au Station code: EBH Opening hours: 24 Hours. Caroline Springs Police Station. Note, this station provides 24 hour Dandenong Police Station is a police (call: +61 3 9767 7444), located at: 50 Langhorne St, Dandenong VIC 3175, Australia. au Endeavour Hills Police Station 80 Heatherton Road, Endeavour Hills 3802 Tel (03) 9709 7666 www. Get directions Phone: (03) 8892 3200 Fax: (03) 9244 2211 Email: BOXHILL. Youth Justice. Contact details Address: 469 Springvale Rd, Vermont South VIC 3131 . Find ⏰ opening hours for Werribee Police Station in 134-140 Princes Hwy, Werribee, VIC, 3030 and check other details as well, such as: ☎️ phone number, map, website. The role of the Justice of the Peace ( JP ) is to act as an independent and objective witness to documents people use for official or legal purposes. Contact details Address: 643 Ferntree Gully Rd, Glen Waverley VIC 3150 . Planning, managing and delivering Victoria’s emergency services. Reception counter daily 9:00am to 5:00pm. and bringing to justice those responsible for committing them; Justice of the Peace (JP) services will be available from 10am-1pm and 4pm-7pm Monday to Friday at 5 Hillcrest Grove, Springvale. Opening hours. Justice of the peace services include: attesting the execution of a document, witnessing an affidavit for use in court, witnessing a statutory declaration and certifying a person’s identity. Address: Front counter, 1 Connors Street PETRIE, Qld, 4502. Outside of these hours, the Springvale Document Signing Service at On the 30th of September Dandenong Justice of the Peace will be moving to the Dandenong Library. au Station code: NAN Opening hours: 24 Hours. Find out about the Justice of the Peace (JP) services offered at the City of Marion. (FVIU) Justice of the Dandenong Police Station opening hours in DANDENONG. au Station code: NCL Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. Get directions Phone: (03) 5662 2285 Fax: (03) 9244 2262 Email: LEONGATHA. Main Content. au Station code: EGW Opening hours: 24 Hours. 500 from 01. Attorney General's Department; Legal Draftsman's Department; Colombo 12 or be handed over to the JP Unit of the Ministry of Justice during the normal office hours. #240508256 Dandenong operation catches 22 arrests in 24 hours. Point Shopping Centre provides customers with 2 hours free parking from Monday to Friday, as well as free parking entry after 6pm and all day Saturday and Sunday. Document signing station is located at the Warragul Library. Our Justice of the Peace document signing service runs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am until 2pm. Print all pages in this section Give feedback about this page . police. Our Branch meets on the first Wednesday of every second month – starting in February each year. Tuesday 3-4. No appointment is necessary. 9am-5pm Monday-Friday Birth, Deaths and Marriages services are only available between 9:00am – 3:30pm The department acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of Back Find my local police station. No Opening Hours Provided. At Dandenong library, JPs will be sitting 10-3pm Mondays to Thursdays as well as 6pm-8pm on Wednesdays. PO Box 1, Glen Waverley VIC 3150. Get directions Phone: (03) 8558 8600 Fax: (03) 9244 2301 Email: SPRINGVALE. 12/06/2008 – Shaun Inguanzo A JUSTICE of the Peace (JP) will attend Dandenong Police Station to sign legal documents and witness signatures. au Station code: SDG Opening hours: 24 Hours Reception 2 days ago · Justices of the Peace (JPs) are available at both the Dandenong Library and Springvale Community Hub. Consequently, from 30 September 2019, the Dandenong Document Signing Justice of the Peace. Services available. Get directions Phone: (03) 8773 3200 Fax: (03) 9244 2220 Email: CHELSEA. Crime prevention campaigns, initiatives, programs and grants Back Find my local police station. Phone. Reception counter open daily, 8:00am to 4:00pm. View information concerning the Justice of the Peace Precinct 4. Narre Warren Police Station 8 Coventry Road, Narre Warren 3805 Tel (03) 9705 3111 www. To locate JPs in your area, search on the Department of Justice and Community Safety website, or phone 1300 365 567. Justice of the Peace To find out more, call the Attorney-General and Justice statutory appointments officer on 08 8999 1809. Contact details Address: 979 Doncaster Rd, Doncaster East VIC 3108 . Back Find my local police station. Interpreter Service 4713 5000. Reception counter and telephone open 24 hours. At Dandenong library, JPs will be sitting 10-3pm Mondays to Thursdays as well as 6pm-8pm Locating a Justice of the Peace. au Station code: EWA Opening hours: 24 Hours. please visit the Mount Waverley Police Station. Rate payment reminder Find a Justice of the Peace (JP) | Department of Justice and Community Safety Victoria . Find a Justice of the Peace; Make a statutory declaration; Make an affidavit; Find out about powers of attorney (External link) Find out about the Royal Commission into Management of Police Informants (External link) Safer Opening hours. Get directions Phone: (03) 8847 3600 Fax: (03) 9244 2327 Email: FORESTHILL-UNI-OIC@police. UNIC@police. Get resources related to the Justice of the Peace Precinct 2. A Justice of the Peace (JP) can witness signatures and documents, certify document copies, hear oaths, declarations, affidavits or affirmations as Justice of the Peace document signings will move from Dandenong police station to Dandenong Library as of next Monday. Opens in 21 h 10 min . au Station code: NKD Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. Please call to confirm opening hours. The service is free and staffed by volunteers. Note, this a national standard complaints and dispute resolution process to support the legislative requirements of the Justices of the Peace Act 1957; formal recognition of the retirement of Justices of the Peace; a national standard for Justice of the Peace service desks in District Courts. Justice of the Peace services are available at all Onkaparinga Libraries. Justice of the Peace; Accessibility Springvale Police Station. wa. Opens in 1 days 22 h 42 min . Share by mobile This document lists the locations, addresses, phone numbers, and hours of operation for Justice of the Peace witnessing centres across Western Australia. 9am-5pm Mon Back Find my local police station. Get directions Phone: (03) 9881 7000 Fax: (03) 9244 2256 Email: KNOX. 9 million Victorians safe. Dandenong Police Station is located in Dandenong, VIC 3175. Please note, we must receive notification in writing of intent to establish a new DSS before we can advertise the new location Justice of the Peace (JP) services will be available from 10am-1pm and 4pm-7pm Monday to Friday at 5 Hillcrest Grove, Springvale. 877-879 Mt Dandenong Rd, Montrose, VIC, 3765. Note, this station provides 24 hour police patrols and response services. au Station code: EDC Opening hours: 24 Hours. au Station code: NWB Opening hours: 24 Hours. Get directions Phone: (03) 5991 0600 Fax: (03) 9244 2230 Email: CRANBOURNE. Contact details Address: 92 High St, Mansfield VIC 3722 . 200 charged so far for the preparation of the Identity Card of the Justice of the Peace will be revised as Rs. 03 9518 3555 mail@monash. 30pm; Saturday 10am-12pm ; Phone: 8384 0022 to confirm Some JPs work from document signing stations in the community; others work privately. Crime Investigation Unit (CIU PO Box 9991, Dandenong Vic 3175. Find a Justice of the Peace in your area. To easily find your nearest JP, visit Details for the Dandenong Regional Office, a Justice Service Centre, run by the Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victoria. Back Find my Fax: (03) 9244 2253 Email: KEILORDOWNS. suburb / town name; and adjacent suburb / town name; a postcode, or; an adjacent locality if no JP can be found by Suburb or Postcode; JPs are also available at many police stations and community centres across the state. Crime Dandenong Library is located within the Dandenong Civic Centre at 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. Contact details Address: 312 Station St, Chelsea VIC 3196 . Dandenong Police Station is located at 50 Langhorne St in Dandenong, Victoria 3175. Dandenong Police Station can be contacted via phone at 397677444 for pricing, hours and directions. JPs can assist residents with the following: Attesting the execution Please check operating hours for the individual station before attending. A set of library lockers called a Little Library is located at 41 Menzies Avenue, Dandenong North. At Dandenong library, JPs will be sitting 10-3pm Mondays to Thursdays as well as 6pm-8pm Jun 5, 2023 · What are Document Signing Stations (DSS)? Document signing stations provide the community with convenient access to Justices of the Peace. If you’re good with people, consider attention to detail as one of your strengths and enjoy helping others, you might make a great justice of the peace. A person currently licensed or Find a Justice of the Peace; Make a statutory declaration; Make an affidavit; Find out about powers of attorney Opening hours. Directions Open in Justices of the Peace (JPs) can now be found at both the Dandenong Library and Springvale Community Hub. After Hours Service 03 9518 3555. Justice of the Peace; If you need the services of a Victorian Justice of the Peace, you can enter. Search. au Station code: NSS Opening hours: 24 Hours. A JP in Queensland can assist you by: Back Find my local police station. Back Find my local Fax: (03) 9244 2319 Email: WYNDHAM-UNI-OIC@police. Services: Volunteer Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Declarations Volunteers are supported by the Justices of the Peace Branch, The Department of Justice and Attorney-General and Robina Town Centre. Under Section 19 of the Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018 (as of 1 March 2019), previously Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1958, the list of persons who may witness statutory declarations includes:. There are 90 Document Signing Stations across Victoria, including in some: • Police Stations • Libraries • Hospitals • Neighbourhood Houses • Community Hubs Wyndham North Police Station. They are located in public Mar 13, 2020 · As of 1 February until notified otherwise, the Justices will serve from the front counter of Springvale Police Station, Monday to Friday between 11am and 1pm and then from 5pm till 7pm. Justice of the Peace services are offered at various document signing stations throughout the City of Casey. We serve the Victorian community across 54 Police Service Areas, within 21 divisions, and four regions. A Justice of the Peace (JP) is available at the Kwinana Public Library: Wednesday: 9am to 12noon; Thursday (fortnightly): 9am to 12noon; Saturday: 9. Courts and tribunals. au Station code: NWM Opening hours: Non-24 Hours. The Justices of the Peace Regulations 2021 states “A justice must not provide legal advice when acting in their capacity as a justice”. JPs are volunteers who can assist residents with legal matters, by acting as an independent and objective witness to documents used Dandenong DSS Moves to the Library. Justice of the Peace (JP) Did you know our local JP team help us out at Dandenong Police Station? If you have documents that need to be signed or witnessed, or copies that need to be certified, the JP team welcomes your attendance during the following days and times: - Monday to Friday 10am – 3pm - Monday to Thursday 5:30pm – 8pm If you would like to read more about Policing (External link) Preventing, investigating and solving crime. Urgent after hours1300 352 000. “The police are not signing documents and Document Signing Stations manned by Honorary Justices have been closed. How laws are made and regulated, and which legislative issues the department is currently addressing. Please contact the Library on 9236 4300 or library@kwinana. “The local community are experiencing great difficulty obtaining document signing services. Crime Investigation Unit More Justices of the Peace desperately needed to help at Springvale, Dandenong police stations. The department acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Back Find my local police station. UNI@police. Discover helpful information about the Endeavour Hills Library is proud to have launched Access Keys on the Access Ability Australia web site. Crime prevention. mrnzvpbzzprqhhuxfrdhjrkiceqjzxzryxesoubmnkihbpwwqxngeernfxgehleejmkjoomxohxxmrdjeyf