Lemon varieties in india. The major kinnow producing states are Punjab, Maharashtra .
Lemon varieties in india Pin. High in acidity and commonly used for juicing. Understanding soil types and sunlight requirements is key to nurturing these fruit trees. The first Lisbon lemon seeds appeared in 1917 and the variety was introduced in 1950, and it's now one of the most common varieties cultivated in California. Several new varieties and clones of lemon have The so called East Indian lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) , also known as Malabar or Cochin grass is native to India , Sri Lanka, Burma and Thailand ; for the related West Indian lemon grass 5. The tree is almost thornless and produces its main crop in winter. PKM 1. (Latin synonyms: C. This study was carried out to assess and compare the bioactive compounds and Numerous lemon varieties are suitable for home gardens in the United States. Top 5 most popular Lemon varieties due to its high yield in India. यूपी में MSP पर गेहूं Total Varieties: 1287. Are limes available in India? India is the leading producer of Lime globally. Growing Lemon Trees: A Guide to Planting Balaji, Petluri, Nati, and Thaiwan Varieties or just starting, planting lemon trees like Balaji, Petluri, Nati, and Thaiwan can be a gratifying experience. Eureka Lemon. The Eureka lemon, for example, was developed in California in the 19th century and became a popular variety for its seedless and juicy fruit. Commonly found in Indian markets, rich in vitamin C, Eureka lemons boost immunity, aid digestion, and promote skin health. Petluri Lemon: Also popular in India, particularly in Telangana. #slurrp #slurrpcommunity #cookwithslurrp #incredibleindia #indianfood #tasteofindia #FlavoursOfIndia #lemon #lemons The bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential of various citrus fruits have garnered attention for their health-promoting properties. It has a sweet and juicy pulp with many seeds. Vegetable Crops. Flowers are solitary or in small corymbs, about 2 - 4 cm in diameter, with five white petals and numerous stamens and are often very strongly scented. 7 Unique Lemon Varieties Found Only in INDIA ️ Check Out the Best Lemon Varieties in India Here. Kaffir Lime. 3 lemons 225 grams. S. Raised grey corky scabs on tree branches, fruits There are numerous other lemon varieties in India. Tea varieties in India Butter Tea. 19 lakh ha. In my personal experience as a gardening and landscaping expert, I have come across various lemon varieties in India, each with its own unique flavor and characteristics. They are the primary variety of ‘Buddha’s Hand,’ Greek Citron, Corsicans, and Yemenite Citron. Research has shown that C. 18 Seasonal Fruits in Maharashtra. The average price is ₹ 5814 per Quintal across varieties. Citron lemons belong to India and Himalayas. The interior is segmented, juicy, and Lemon Basil. The leaves are green and lemon scented with slightly serrate edges, ovate lanceolate, about 3 - 5 inches long. There are also small plantings of other varieties including Fino, Verna, Villafranca and Yen Ben. The botanical name of Kaffir lime is Citrus Hystrix. Lemon farming becomes lucrative during the off-season, usually from March to May. Mandarin (Citrus reticulata): It is the most common and popular citrus fruit in India. New citrus varieties show citrus greening tolerance The UF scientists and visitors enjoyed the second consecutive year of data that points to two new varieties that The country’s status as the leading lemon producer in the world is a testament to its favorable growing conditions and diverse range of lemon varieties. Height: 8-15 feet. 7 Yield from 1 acre lemon cultivation: Varieties of Acid Lime. They are mainly grown for their rind and hardly produce any juice. New Citrus Fruits 1. Nimbu, Nemu, Champra, Elumicchai are some of the common names of lemons in India, cultivated across the country. Here are some of the best Types of Basil in India that you can grow in your herb garden to The other important biomarkers in peels EOs of Citrus such as γ-terpinene (0-0. It is common to harvest or buy Indian lemons when they are green and unripe, appearing like a lime, and lime varieties in India can also turn yellow when mature, resembling a lemon. Developed by Pedigree method of selection from F7 generation involving (IC 556824 IPS-2 X Arka Swagath). 28 thousand hectares and 605. Explore the unique flavors and characteristics of different lemon varieties and discover your favorite. 99 lakh ha. These varieties each offer unique flavors and growth characteristics, making them excellent Oranges are a cross between a pomelo and a mandarin fruit. To start a lemon orchard in India, begin by selecting a suitable site with favorable climate and soil conditions. Which lemon is best in India? Nemu Tenga also In case you missed it: High Yield Hybrid Lemon Varieties in India. 4 Pruning: 1. These are slightly more heat resistant than other lemon varieties, but they still require ample amounts of water. Bengal is the birthplace of the fragrant lemon type known as Villafranca Variegated Lemon. 43%). Their scientific name is Citrus limon (L. 13. Ingredients . In India Citrus cultivation is done on an area of about 923 thousand hectare with annual production of 8608 thousand metric tons. Four major varieties of acid lime grown in India in abundance and have high market demand include Vikram, PKM, Prumalini and Rashraj or Sharbati. There are several popular lemon varieties: Eureka: Common in supermarkets, with few seeds; Lisbon: Similar to Eureka, but more cold-hardy; Grafting involves attaching branches from different citrus varieties to a single rootstock. 3 Varieties . Sri Ganganagar Kinnow, Rajasthan Kinnow is a very famous citrus fruit from Sirsa in Haryana offer a diverse Kinnow varieties. Each type of lemon offers unique characteristics regarding flavor, appearance, and growth habits. Kaffir lime leaves are used in preparing many 04 September 2022, New Delhi: Lemon Varieties Suitable for growing in Uttarakhand are mentioned below. It is also known as tantra or sarangi. area with the total production of 4. Like most lemon varieties, it will grow best in a warm climate, preferring plenty of sun. 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder. Welcome to the iQOO India community - the coolest place for you to explore the world of technology, innovations, e-sports, and many more. Well known Citrus Fruits also available in India are Meyer lemon, Clementine, Blood Orange, Galgal, Chakotra, Tangor and Buddha's Hand. 24 and US$ 0. Every Indian cuisine has some or the other unique way of High yield hybrid lemon varieties in India, Climatic and soil requirements for Lemon cultivation, Lemon season in India, Harvesting Lemons and more Lemons of India. (6) The Perrine lemon is much smaller and more rounded than the other varieties. . A lemon from Assam with a Commonly grown lemon varieties are Assam lemon, Italian lemon, Pant lemon, Galgal and Eureka lemon, Sevilla and Malta lemon varieties are popular in South India. Number of Fruits Crops & Varieties Covered. Area – Uttarakhand. 15 days earlier than other sweet citrus varieties of sweet orange, grapefruit and pummelo. The warm and tropical climate of India provides Acid Lime (Citrus aurantifolia (Christm) Swingle) Rutaceae. So, what you waiting for? Let the quest begin. Originating in the foothills of the Himalayas in northeastern India, it has been used by the locals for thousands of years. Average fruit weight- 496. Buy your lemon plants online and enhance your garden with the refreshing fragrance and vibrant colors of these amazing citrus trees. 1/3 cup water. Discover their basic needs, and choose the perfect one for your climate. The bumpy-skinned lemon has a rounder shape than the traditional lemon oblong shape. Top 10 Best Grown Apple Varieties in India Top 12 Types of Banana Grown in Although the name “citron” is associated with lemons, it is actually a large yellow citrus fruit from India. in 2001-02 and the production increased by 57% (i. Total Varieties: 454. Read on to know about the top 15 varieties of citrus fruits available in India. These Citrus lemon Varieties are famous for their tangy taste and high in vitamin C. 🏡 Practical Considerations. This technique allows for the growth Lemon Tree Varieties Where did the lemon tree originate from? The genus Citrus is one of the most important taxonomic subunits of the Rutaceae family. In Indian citrus fruits, sweet lime is frequently referred to as mosambi. Mandarins are of major economic significance followed by oranges. Bears lemon trees yield a high-quality lemon crop in abundance. 3 tablespoon Kashmiri chilli powder FORT PIERCE, Fla. Important citrus varieties cultivated in India include sweet orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, pummelo, and lemon. 5 Pests and Disease management in Lime cultivation: The pests can be controlled by following the tabular form: 1. The right size can make all the difference in the third most important fruit crop in India (Ghosh 1999). Deep well drained loamy soils are best Along with being the leading lemon producer in the world, India also boasts many different types of lemon varieties. Selecting the right blueberry varieties is essential for thriving yields. α-bergamotene and β-bisabolene are two important biomarkers for Along with being a leading lemon producer in the world, #India also boasts many different types of lemon varieties. 62 million ha. T. What are Indian lemons? The term Indian lemon refers to indigenous lemon varieties such as the Nepali Oblong, Nepali Round, Rough lemons, and Assam lemons, and also refers to other lemon varieties commercially produced in India, including Lisbon, Genoa, Villafranca, Meyer, and Eureka lemons. in 1991-92 to 1. Why Should You Grow It? It is renowned for its high juice content, making it an excellent choice for lemonade and culinary uses. MORE NEWS. A thorough survey was The term lemon is also interchangeably used with lime in India. The earliest recorded evidence of lemon cultivation comes from ancient India, where it was mentioned in the Gujarat leads in lemon production in India, contributing 20% of the total output, followed by Andhra Pradesh at 18%, and Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka at 10%. Meyer Lemon. Some of the common types of lemons are Assam lemon, Pant The Ultimate Guide to Indian Lemon VarietiesTop Lemon Varieties in IndiaMost popular lemon Varieties in India இந்தியாவில் மிகவும் Unlike the other lemon varieties grown in other part of world, Kachai Lemon is considered to be unique as it is a rich source of ascorbic acid, containing 45-51 mg/100 ml juice. Resistant to rust. Here’s the list. The lemon fruit doesn’t have a lot of flesh and isn’t one of the juiciest lemon However, because the rind is so thin, there are fewer essential oils packed into the pores as compared to other lemon varieties. The famous The Lisbon lemon is one of the most common kinds seen in U. This Genoa lemon and a West Indian lime was developed by W. The name refers to the two types of lemons that Gondhoraj. The distinctive sour taste of lemon juice makes it a key ingredient in drinks and foods such as lemonade and lemon meringue pie. The major regions Citrus medica, also known as the citron lemon, is a species that thrives in India and the Himalayas. 79 million tonnes. grocery store produce sections, and is known as a true lemon because it is acidic and juicy. Among the varieties of lemons that arrive in Italy from foreign cultivations, there are: Volkameriana lemon (Citrus volkameriana): it is an hybrid between lemon (Citrus limon) and bitter orange (Citrus With agriculture universities joining hands, these varieties will multiply rapidly and will be adopted by citrus-growers on large scale in state,” Ladaniya added. It’s primarily associated with ‘Buddha’s Hand’, Greek Citron, Corsicans, and Yemenite Citron varieties. Lemons are widely cultivated in different parts of the country, especially in regions with a suitable climate for their growth. It is consumed fresh or processed into juice, jam, squash, or syrup. Although India holds the title of the world's largest lemon producer, the size of Indian lemons is generally smaller compared to those from other countries. A cross between a citron and a Eureka is a lemon variety that originates from Los Angeles, California, 1858, as a descendant of the Italian Lunario lemon. Our selection includes: Here are the top Citrus Fruits in India that you can grow easily in gardens and pots! Cultivate them today to have a fresh and steady supply of fruits all year round! 7 Best Guava Varieties in India. Which variety of lemon is best? 1. The citron (Citrus medica) is the original citrus fruit from which all lemons have been cultivated. regions with mild winter temperatures. That’s a wrap on the best fruit trees for North India! Remember to choose varieties like mango, guava, citrus, pomegranate, papaya, and jamun for a successful harvest. Cook lemon. India has a wide variety of oranges, all with different prices and qualities. Citrons have a rough rind that is much thicker than what you would expect on a regular lemon. e. The juice content is 36-56 ml per fruit. Conclusion. shutterstock/Ivan Semenovych Sunlight. Mandarin Production states are Assam, Dibrugarh and Brahmaputra valley. Lemon Scab: It affects some of the mandarin varieties and lemon fruits. Raised grey Citrus Fruits are the great source of Vitamin C and also used to treat common cold. The area under orange cultivation in India increased by 67% from 1. 53 and US$ 0. Which state is famous for lemon in India? Andhra Pradesh is the largest lemon-growing state In India Citrus cultivation is done on an area of about 923 thousand hectare with annual production of 8608 thousand metric tons. This is when Nemu Tenga also known as Gol Nemu and Kazi/Kaji Nemu are some of the popular varieties of lemon that grow in Assam. 21 per pound(lb). Botanical Name: Citrus medica. The plant will only bear fruits if it gets plenty of light. In Australia the main lemon varieties grown commercially are Eureka, Lisbon and Meyer. ly/2VQUkPQ----- Carrubaro lemon; The most widespread varieties of lemons in Italy are: Femminello , Monachello, Lunario, Interdonato, Sorrento and Procida . The Assam Lemon is a citrus variety from India, specifically the Assam region. 46 per kilogram or between US$ 0. 2%) and linalool (0-0. The major citrus fruits grown in Punjab are mandarin, sweet orange, grapefruit, lime and lemon. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right? But did you know that India has a varieties of lemon? From the Assam Nimbu to the Gondhanraj, these lemons offer flavors and are a host of Some of the examples of citrus fruits are lemon, grapefruit, orange, sweet lime, pomelo, and many more. Lemon Cultivation In India & Availability The fruit has a variety of uses and is cultivated throughout the country. Latest Posts. 2 Cost of 1 acre Lemon Farming in India 1. lemon is a hybrid that has 1. Butter tea, also known as "po Which lemon tree is best in India? Nemu Tenga also known as Gol Nemu and Kazi/Kaji Nemu are some of the popular varieties of lemon that grow in Assam. Citrus Trees All varieties of citrus trees are considered lucky — especially since many citrus fruits are round and gold, resembling coins for wealth. Gondhoraj. Citrus fruits originated in the tropical and sub tropical regions of South East Asia , particularly India The Meyer lemon tree grows rapidly, and within 2 years, it should be ready for fruit production. Kaffir Lime . Lisbon lemons have a tart taste and are widely cultivated in India High vitamin C content supports immune function. Due to Mandarin oranges’ sweetness, Meyer lemons are relatively sweeter than other lemon varieties. In 2022, the approximate price range for India Lemon is between US$ 0. Krishak Jagat is an Indian Native Region: The area of origin is unknown, although believed to be northern India. All citrus fruits belongs to same genus,This includes grapefruits, lemons, limes, oranges, and various other types and hybrids. It affects some of the mandarin varieties and lemon fruits. There are many lemon varieties in India, with most having bright yellow skin and a greenish tint when ripe. It is slightly more acidic than the Lemon Variety: मुनाफा ही मुनाफा दिलाएगी नींबू की यह किस्म, तीन साल में मिलने लगेंगे फल lemon farming in india; Nimbu Ki Kheti; lemon varieties; POST A COMMENT. Think about your garden layout and culinary needs when choosing lemon grass varieties. Points to Take Care of to Get Tons of Lemon. The price in Indian Rupee is INR 39. Every part of citron lemon is useful, and nothing goes to waste. In 2018, Gujarat has the maximum area and production of lemon and lime (46. The two most important acid lemon varieties are Eureka and Lisbon. Stay Ahead In The Lemon Industry And Optimize Your Trading Strategies With Up-to-date Information On Lemon Prices From All Regions Of India. 3 Irrigation: 1. 60 lakh tonnes). India, Mexico, China, Argentina, and Brazil are the main producers. The juice of the lemon is about 5% to 6% citric acid, which gives a sour taste. First seedless pummelo mutant of our country with high juice recovery (41. One of its most notable characteristics is the fact that every part of the plant is useful, leaving nothing to waste. This guide explores the best blueberry varieties for Indian conditions and shares insights to help farmers and enthusiasts succeed. 7 Popular Lemon Varieties Found In India. limonum). Lemon Cultivation In India Sunday, 3 November 2024. F. Best Selling Types of Lemon Variety Nemu Tenga, Lisbon lemons, Pat Nebu and many more variety. Market Kg In India, citrus is grown in 0. (Indian Wild Orange- Citrus Indica) Meghalaya Medicinal value Nanjangud Banana Karnataka Fruit Quality Pods are dark green, long, flat and slightly curved. Varieties Local varities, PKM1, Vikram and Rasraj are the popular varieties in acid lime. At Kadiyam Nursery, we are dedicated to providing the finest lemon plant varieties suitable for the Indian climate. This hybrid lemon variety is a cross between a citron and a mandarin. From Gondhoraj to Nepali Round, discover the most popular lemon flavors that thrive in the diverse regions of India. Mosambi The Development of New Lemon Varieties. Bengal is the birthplace of the fragrant lemon type known as Lemon Gandharaj. Varieties – Pant Lemon 1, Hill lemon, kagji neebu. This lemon is another popular variety in India, however, it was Explore the top 5 varieties of lemon for the higher yield. Compared to tangerines, oranges are giant. 36 metric tons (Govt. 6 Harvesting in 1 acre lemon farming: 1. Lemon juice, rind, and zest are used in a wide variety of foods and drinks. Under Punjab Rough lemon seedlings are the main rootstock material use for My understanding is that most limes harvested in India are almost 100% for consumption. Varieties of Lemons Found in India: Despite being thinner than some lemon varieties, the lightly-pitted skin is dense with lemon oil. Sweet lime. VRM 1. Shorter varieties, like 'West Indian' or 'Dwarf Lemon Grass,' fit perfectly in smaller gardens or container setups, allowing for creative arrangements without overwhelming the space. 56 per kg. Rough lemons (Citrus x jambhiri) are a medium-sized Indian lemon with a rough bumpy skin. Kaffir lime leaves are used in prep aring dishes from Thai cuisine. Kaffir lime comes under the citrus food list and is known as makrut lime. The Villafranca Variegated Lemon is a unique citrus variety From shape, texture, and even colour, there are certain differences that make each variety unique in its own way. Grapefruits, limes and lemons are of minor importance. One of the most common varieties of lime is this one. Obtain high-quality lemon saplings from reputable nurseries, prepare the land by tilling and amending the soil as needed Some of the most popular Citrus fruits of India are Mosambi, green lemon, Blood Orange, Galgal, Chakotra or Devanahalli Pomelo GI tagged and sweet lime. Lemon is a citrus fruit that is high in vitamin C. So, sit back, buy gourmet tea online and brew a cup while our tea experts take you on a journey through Indian states and the different varieties of tea in India. Dorshapo Lemons Varieties of Citrus Fruits Grown in India. Though its close, ancient relative, the citron, is native to India, other lemon varieties recognized today may have evolved elsewhere. In Punjab citrus is grown on 39. ) Burm. Produces large, oval-shaped fruits with a thick, yellow rind. It has a loose skin that can be easily peeled off. Rough lemons (Citrus × jambhiri) are a medium-sized type of Indian lemon that has a rough bumpy skin. Number of Vegetables Crops & Varieties Covered. The Kagzi lemon tree is relatively small, bushy, thorny, and perfectly suitable for growing in many home gardens. Lemon Rate Today in India. from 10. Most varieties of citrons have light India ranks sixth in the production of citrus fruit in the world. 3. 1/8 to fenugreek powder. Important mandarin orange varieties cultivated #lemon #farming #india #best #variety #seed #profitable #income #farmers #video #organic #channel Here you will find 31 lemon varieties for horticultural or ornamental uses. Published Sep 05, 2023. Local variety. There are many lemon varieties in India. As lemon cultivation spread, new varieties emerged. Center of Excellence for Fruits (Citrus), Hoshiarpur, Varieties like Pant Prabhat and NS-1 are commonly grown for their tasty fruit. 95 g (much less than exiting genotypes). Pesticides like neem oil, insecticidal soaps, and horticultural oils are effective Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus) Indian lemongrass plant is native to Southeast Asia, have been used in traditional medicine of India for leaves, stem and sprout roots. Its oblong shape and distinctive warty peel make it easily distinguishable from other kinds of lemons. Though large number of citrus varieties can be grown in Punjab, but the research has proved some of the varieties to Lemon’s roots go back eons, making it nearly impossible to pinpoint its exact origin: Some speculate north India, others the south. Citrus originated in Southeast Asia and is an important crop in India, providing vitamin C and juice. Common pests in Kagzi lemon cultivation include citrus psyllids, aphids, citrus leafminers, and mites. The 2 main varieties of lime are the Citrus Aurantifolia (West Indian Lime) and Citrus Latifolia (Persian). ; In 2018-19, the area under lime and lemon in India was 296 thousand hectares and the production was 3397 thousand metric tonnes. Let's explore the most popular Types of lemons varieties in India. Citrus trees are popular gifts to celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival. Botanical Name: Ocimum × citriodorum. It occupies third position after mango and banana in the production of fruits in India. Choose from the Best Lemon Plant Varieties in India at Kadiyam Nursery. 7. The country ranges from the warm, tropical south to the cooler northern hilly regions. The Ultimate Guide to Indian Lemon Varieties. There are different Types of Lemon Variety Gondhoraj, Nemu Tenga, Pat Nebu and many more varieties. Make Informed Decisions On Your Lemon Investments With Real-time Data On India's Lemon Rates Today. Pest and Disease Management in Kagzi Lemon Farming Common Pests in Kagzi Lemon Cultivation. Citrus fruits are widely consumed in various forms, with many varieties enjoyed whole or as juice, and all known for promoting good health. —Flavia Zambon welcomed more than 60 attendees, including citrus growers, state regulators and journalists, at the UF/IFAS 2024 Millennium Block Field Day on November 7. 20 hectares of land. 1/2 tablespoon salt. The major kinnow producing states are Punjab, Maharashtra In India, many citrus varieties and hybrids are successfully used as rootstocks under different environmental conditions. Assam Nimbu/ Nemu Tenga. 7 Best Guava Varieties in India. Propagation: Acid lime can be propagated by seed, budding or air layer. Indian Lemon Varieties: Balaji Lemon: Popular in India, especially in Andhra Pradesh. Lemons (Citrus limon) are one of the best-known and most-used genus species. of Assam report 2012–13) which are considered to be a major Map of Kokrajhar district showing the localities from where the Citrus varieties have been collected. Suitable for south Indian states. Make sure to place the pot at a location where it gets a minimum of 4-6 hours of direct sun every day. It also has India ranks 5th among the major lime and lemon-producing countries in the world. Bonnie Brae . While the Gol nemu is sweet, round and small in size, the Kazi nemu has an oval shape and is a lot juicier than other lemon varieties. NE region of the country alone produces an annual production of 7,91,000. x limonia, C. Limes and other citrus fruits are also significant sources for essential oils and juice for the beverage industry worldwide. 7 types of lemons found in India and their benefits Deepika Shakya. It can be trained to maintain a height of around 4-5 feet. Read less A popular Indian recipe made with Kagzi lemons is a simple, tangy pickle, which includes pieces of lemon peel, spices, salt, and sugar. Total Crops: 26. It was introduced to the public by Thomas Garey in 1877. 5%) were relatively less. Whether you are looking to enjoy the tangy flavor of Indian lemons or embark on your own lemon-growing journey, India is certainly a destination to explore for all lemon enthusiasts. 58 to 16. 1 List of Lemon varieties: 1. Lisbon Lemon. This is one of the most productive lemon varieties from the Indian subcontinent, known for its thin skin and juicy content. The varieties of lemon grass grown in the country include the following : Table-1: Currently grown varieties and their description Secondary data like the top ten producers of Citrus in India and the World, the area under fruit crops and Citrus in particular from different website pages, the area, production and productivity of Citrus were gathered from the records of Department of Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare, Trichy and are suitably analyzed using percentage India's diverse climate presents unique opportunities for blueberry cultivation. The lemon fruit produced is a hybrid of the Mandarin orange and lemon. 62 thousand metric tons) followed by #lemon #lemonvarieties #lemontypesSubscribe here - https://bit. Other major citrus producing countries are Spain, USA, Israel, Morocco, South Africa, Japan, Brazil, Turkey and Cuba. Ready to harvest in the first week of October i. The Perrine lemon stands out amongst other citrus varieties due to its yellow-green rind, oval shape, and vibrant aroma. By considering factors such as climate, space, and personal preferences, you can select the perfect lemon variety for your garden. Shatkora Lemon is a versatile citrus fruit integral to Indian cuisine and culture. 12 Beautiful Flowering Trees in India. 16 Outdoor Trees for Home in India. It can be grown up to 1000 m above MSL. Swingle and USDA associates in 1909. Soil and climate The crop can be cultivated in both Tropical and subtropical climate. One of the top 15 citrus fruits in India is sweet lime, according to experts. Climate, soil type, propagation methods, and rootstock selection all impact citrus cultivation practices. Moreover, this Top 5 Varieties of Lemon Farming in India. List of Lemon varieties: The following are the popular varieties of lemons-Eureka, Punjab Galgal, PAU Baramasi, PAU Baramasi-1, PAU Baramasi-1, Rasraj, Punjab Baramasi, Post-harvest Management in lemon farming in India: Lemons can be stored for 6-8 weeks at 10-11 o C, waxing treatment may extend the shelf life. Lemon - Rasraj It is an F1 hybrid of passion fruit obtained by crossing purple and yellow varieties and is superior to both the 2. 8. Spice mix. Lemon juice is used to make lemonade, soft drinks, and cocktails. Pat Nebu. Kaffir lime is under the citrus food list and is also known as makrut lime. fepoiztsjufvmcvpwyskxckegdgtuwdgcnaoftvxlegnovfycskrcsrmnaoscuqletpzjip